❖ 网络带宽不低于20Mbps,同时建议准备备用的网络,如使用4G/5G流量等。
❖ 用于在线考试的台式电脑或者笔记本电脑一台,具备内置或外置摄像头,建议全程使用外接电源。
❖电脑操作系统为 Windows 7 或 Windows 10。
不建议在苹果(Mac)电脑安装 Windows 操作系统。
深圳国际交流学院 招生办
(Photo by Brian Xu)
Dear students and parents,
Hope you are well! As the coronavious continues to spread in some cities, making plan for large-scale offline exmas is nearly impossible in recent days. So, the second round of SCIE entrance examination will be conducted online to safeguard the health of the students, parents, and everyone invovled in this event. The expected date of the written test would be May 29th, and the specific test time will be announced on the candidate card 5 days before the written test.
All the candidates should stay at home and use your computer, mobile phone and internet to take the test and do the invigilation.
Once we published the written test results, students who have achieved a minimum score on the written tests will be given an online interview. The online interview will be conducted on June 4th(Saturday).
The admissions office will issue detailed test guidance later, please pay attention to the official account notice.
The deadline for registration is 15:00, May 20th. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. And sorry for any inconvenience.
Hardware and Software Requirements
❖ Network bandwidth no lower than 20Mbps; Backup network options recommended, such as 4G/5G data.
❖ One laptop or PC for online exams, with built-in or external camera. The computer operating system must be Windows 7 or Windows10.
❖ It is recommended to use a headset or a traditional earphone with a cable. Ensure that the voice input and output are functioning properly. Bluetooth earphones are not supported.
❖ A mobile phone for invigilation.
❖ Phone holder or iPad holder. Place a mobile phone or iPad in a fixed position so that it can be adjusted to an appropriate position and height according to the requirements of the monitoring angle.
Shenzhen College of International Education
May 6th, 2022
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