New Year Concert is coming!
New Year Concert, as known as NYC, is a traditional event of SCIE. It celebrates the upcoming New Year and welcomes every student to enjoy.
Join Us!
This year, NYC will be held for 3 days and will be divided into 3 parts: G1 New Year Concert, G2 New Year Concert and A level New Year Concert.
Due to the limited number of seats, students can only watch the concert of their year group.
Notes for the auditions:
1. Performers will be arranged for each concert according to their year group. For example, group performers from G1 will perform in G1 New Year Concert. If the group includes several members from different year groups, for example, G2 and A1, Events division will arrange their performances to concerts depending on the status of each concert, including the total number of performances.
2. The audition will take place during EOS test week due to the time limit, therefore, please consider before signing up.
3. Sign up by scanning the code
4. Deadline for signing up is December 3rd 21:00
Arrangement | Chloe
Content | Angel
Proofreading | Jennifer Angel
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