#1 WHO ARE WE? 我们是谁?
We are glad to introduce you to the student council division. We serve as the official bridge between students and the school, where we put forth student concerns to the school and try to make agreements on solving them. We are still preparing our new petition system which will be a much more convenient platform for student discussions and idea sharing. As for now, we have created a WeChat account for student council to report progress on what we have done and accept feedbacks/concerns/ideas from students. Feel free to text to us through this WeChat account to have your say.
国交学生议会是一座连接着学校和学生的官方桥梁。我们把学生的建议和顾虑与学校讨论,寻求一个解决方案。至今,我们仍在准备我们的新的Petition System(国交提议系统),为学生讨论学校政策、交换观点提供便利。而现在,我们已经创建了学生议会的微信小助手,来更新我们的工作情况,并且接受学生的反馈和建议。大家可以添加下面这个微信来为自己发声。
Please provide your information when adding the WeChat Account, using the format "Grade+Name+Student ID" (E.g. 22nd/23rd/24th/25th Ben 19999)
请在添加小助手微信账号的时候备注“年级+名字+学号”(如22nd/23rd/24th/25th Ben 19999)
The following is the WeChat account:
ALSO, we hope to introduce you with the members of the Student Council division for this year:
Chair: Tom Chen
Deputy Chair: Annika Liu
Prefect: Cynthia Sun
Prefect: Brian Shi
Prefect: Winnie Zhou
Prefect: Agnes Sun
Prefect: Felix Kuang
部长:Tom Chen
副部长:Annika Liu
学长团成员:Cynthia Sun
学长团成员:Brian Shi
学长团成员:Winnie Zhou
学长团成员:Agnes Sun
学长团成员:Felix Kuang
You can contact any of the members through emails, but we still recommend reaching out to us through WeChat as it will be easier to manage. Thanks!
#2 SR Recruitment 学生代表招新
To better collect student voices, we are going to elect student representatives from each year group. This is a position where students can reach out to us and give us your feedback. There will be two student representatives from each year group, and meetings will be hosted regularly so we can get a better idea of issues and problems that you would like us to address.
Having student representatives is essentially a way for us to hear different opinions from each year group, so this would mean that you have to be aware of the main concerns of your classmates. In this passage, you will find a link to a Microsoft Forms questionnaire. Please fill this out to enrol yourself in the selection process. Once we’ve collected your responses and read through them, we will inform you via email if you will proceed to the next stage, which is a speech that you will give in front of your classmates from the same year. Further details regarding this speech will be sent out in the future.
If you would like to participate, please fill out this survey (You can also access to this link by clicking "Read More" at the corner):
The deadline for applying for student representative will be 11:59PM on September 15th. Please fill out the survey as soon as possible.
本篇文章来源于微信公众号: SCIE Prefect
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